Stop the Clock Change; but to Which Time?
People are going to be voting whether to move permanently to Daylight Savings Time. Many people have questions about this. I agree with the majority of people that it would have been nice to have a choice between Daylight and Standard Time.
In order for that to happen, the current referendum question would need to be defeated (vote no) and then another referendum in regards to Standard Time would have to be issued. Below you can find a comparison of Daylights savings time and Standard Time.
Most people agree that we need to stop changing clocks twice a year but, does the the schedule matter? Oregon, Florida, California, entire EU have done away with the time change but they chose to move to standard.
With more jurisdictions moving away from the seasonal time change, Alberta is considering to follow suit.
Last year the government asked 140,000 people if they'd like to do away with the time change.
Ninety one per cent of people said they’d like to do away with the time change. But they did not say which way. Alberta in consultation with Eastern provinces are looking at moving forward with this in unison.
Many places have moved to standard time permanently but the research tends to show that permanent Daylight Time is not the best choice for human kind. See links below for further information. The USA tried going o Daylight Savings Time in 1974 for 10 months but it did not work a they thought it would.
People need the light in the morning to function well, avoid illness and stay happy.
“Morning sunlight reinforces natural circadian rhythms, which affects biological processes including appetite, energy levels and hormone production. And, yes, an hour makes a difference,” Professor De Koninck said.
“Just moving the time by an hour affects a lot of people. Our biological clock is very precise,” he said.
Below are some items to think about while you decide how you will vote.
Standard Time; ‣ increase in productivity ‣ better for people’s circadian clock ‣ earlier sunrises ‣ solar noon is at 12pm ‣ morning light helps with people’s internal clocks ‣ Multiple countries/states have returned to standard time after trying permanent DST
Daylight Savings Time; ‣ reduction in pedestrian and vehicular accidents (13%).
‣ adds an hour of daylight at the end of the day. ‣ increase in illnesses. ‣ Solar noon is at 1pm ‣ later sunrises
Articles for more information; (effects on children) (Time zone maps) (dependant on Quebec and New York doing it too)


Dr. Jodie Gateman
Oct 12, 2021